About SE Participants
Recruiting software professionals to participate in software engineering-related (SE) research is vital for producing impactful research to investigate effective
methods to develop and maintain software. However, it is difficult to recruit suitable participants to participate in research, leading to irrelevant research results,
unusable tools and processes,
and a growing gap between SE researchers and practitioners in industry. There are a variety of issues that contribute to this problem, and this platform aims to bridge
this gap by acknowledging the time and effort of software engineers who volunteer to contribute to SE research experiments. More background and motivation for this work
can be found in the research paper proposing this platform.
User Privacy Statement
To respect user privacy, we will not release or misuse your contact information (i.e. email address). Additionally, we will avoid spamming you with solicitations to participate in new research studies and will keep your specific contributions anonymous by not linking you to your specific responses or work completed for the research publication. If you feel this user policy has been violated in any way, please contact us.
About Us
We are researchers at Virginia Tech interested in exploring ways to improve the behavior, productivity, and decision-making of software engineers. We aspire to make contributions to the field of software engineering by engaging in impactful and outward facing research that is practical, has real-world implications, and is relevant to the experiences of developers. For more information about our work, please visit our website.